Michael C. Rubin

I'm a

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My Motivation

When data science is seen as merely the application of statistical techniques to business problems, there is a risk of getting correct answers to the wrong questions. The true art of data science lies in posing the right questions and understanding the underlying nature of the data. This is where my strengths lie.

With a strong background in research and development, innovation, and business management across various technology sectors, company scales, and countries, I have a wealth of practical experience to draw from. This helps me to ask the right questions. My education at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology provided me with the necessary tools and skillsets to answer these questions with mathematical rigor and state-of-the-art technology. As an entrepreneur in my own data science company, I demonstrated that I could successfully generate real value using these skills. My expertise is centered around R, Python, GIS applications, and related machine learning models. I am also experienced in situations where only limited or incomplete datasets are available.

After a successful career that brought me to general management and to Brazil, I am returning to my roots and my true strengths. A few years ago, I decided that data science, rather than business management, is my future, and thus founded my own data science company. Now, after 8 years abroad, personal and family reasons bring me back to Switzerland (by 6/2023). Here, I am looking for a great employer where I can contribute my skills in the long term and find a great, meaningful, and balanced engagement. I am a team player, self-motivated, and always curious.

I sold my company in Brazil as of April 2023 and aspire to obtain an ordinary employment. At the same time, I intend to continue my voluntary involvement at the MIT Alumni for Climate Action, a group of MIT scientists who engage their knowledge for the future of our planet. Therefore, I wish to work on an 80% workload (4 days per week). I am available in Switzerland as of 8/1/2023.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to the possibility of interviewing with your team.

Michael C. Rubin

Who I am

MIT Data Scientist with International Management Experience

  • Birthday: 9 November 1982 (40 years)
  • Private: Married, no Kids
  • Nationality: Swiss (Bern)
  • City: Worblaufen, BE, CH
  • Situation: Moving back to CH after 8 years Brazil.
  • Availability: 1.8.2023
  • Desired: Fixed Employment, 80% (4 days/week)
  • Top Degree: Master
  • Top University: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Top Employer: Schneider Electric
  • Speciality: Data Science & Statistics
  • Languages Fluent: GE / EN / PT / ES / FR



3048 Bern, Switzerland


+55 11 97401 0846



Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2018 - 2020

MicroMaster, Data Science & Statistics

Graduate Level course in Data Science and Statistics, complementary courses in Python, Supply Chain Analytics and Climatology.

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Kalaidos Fachhochschule Schweiz

2008 - 2011

Executive MBA, International Marketing

Executive MBA course with focus on International Marketing. ECTS Grade A, Outstanding Master's Thesis.

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Berufsbildungszentrum Biel

2018 - 2020

Electrical Engineer, HF

Undergraduate Engineering course, Electrotechnique, Electronics, Information Technology. Focus C++ Programming. Grade ECTS B.

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2018 - 2020

Apprenticeship, Electrician

Apprenticeship as Electrical Installer. Grade ECTS B.

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Professional Experience


04/2020 - 04/2023
Sao Paulo, BR

Data Scientist, Co-Founder

Turnkey Data Science project for Agrifood Industry. Own company with 5 people. Key clients: Nestle, Pessl Instruments, Summit Agro, Embrapa Brasil.

Pessl Instruments GmbH

2/2017 - 10/2020
Sao Paulo, BR

General Manager LATAM

Leading IoT and Data Science provider for the Agrifood market. My responsibility was to build-up and develop sales, production and R&D in LATAM, leading up to 15 people.

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Crown Group (Signode Brasil)

1/2016 - 1/2017
Sao Paulo, BR

Head of Technology & New Business

Leading BU Technology, which includes Engineering, Project management and Solutions Sales. Building up R&D in country including M&A project.

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Sleever International

4/2015 - 12/2015
Sao Paulo, BR

Technical & Administrative Manager

Leadership of technical team, which includes after sales service and sales. Diverse tasks like audits and assisting legal case from technical side.

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Crown Group (Orgapack)

8/2012 - 3/2015
Dietikon, CH

Market Developer, Regional Manager South

Market Development of Regions Europe, South America and parts of Middle East. Market Strategies, Channel + Distribution Management, Market Entry plans, sales.

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Schneider Electric

1/2010 - 7/2012
Horgen, CH

Senior Product Manager & R&D Project Manager

Responisble for a product portfolio inclusing local R&D project management (PMP). Flagship project was the development of a product portfolio together with a external partner (ABN Braun AG), which was later aquired by Schneider Electric.

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4/2008 - 12/2009
Ittigen, CH

Product Manager

Responsibility for a product portfolio including 4P marketing mix, techical expertise and cooperation in R&D project with headquarter (FR).

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12/2005 - 3/2008
Ittigen, CH

Technical Project Manager & Support

Elaboration of technical project designs and technical project development, as well as technical support of the projects.

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My Skills

Programming Languages

Data Science Skills



Here is a selection of the project I developed in the last months. Please click on the icons to see the product in action or a detail documentation (Note that these apps are just simplified copies of the original system to run in the browser).

Machine Learning

  • Client: IoT Company
  • Problem: Sensor Data Quality Checks

I used Machine Learnig to decide if sensor data are true readings or sensor errors. Main challenge was the sparse error data. I used Data Centric AI/Synthetic Data to solve the problem.

Machine Learning
Data Science
Automatic Alerts

Nestle Wheat Risk

  • Client: Nestle do Brasil
  • Problem: Detection of toxic substance use in Wheat

Wheat Farmers can use toxic substances to kill-off wheat (Dissecação) for easier harvest. I developed a method to decect this using ML and remote sensing images.

R-Shiny App
Machine Learning
Data Science

Automatic Agronomic Reports

  • Client: Service Company
  • Problem: PDF Reports by Email

We developed an automatic system which integrates APIs, analyzes GIS data, creates customized PDF reports and sends them to clients. It includes R-Shiny App to manage sendings.

Automatic Reports
R-Shiny App

Deep Work Planner

  • Client: For own use
  • Problem: App to plan Deep Work

We developed a R-Shiny app, which helps to plan the quarterly, weekly and daily tasks according to the Deep Work method. Start with quarterly and weekly goals and break them down to daily time blocks for uninterrupted focus.

R-Shiny App

Multiple Linear Regression

  • Purpose: Teaching Embrapa
  • Problem: How does MLR work (Math)

Did you know that MLR has a closed-form solution and can be solved algebraically. This is a walk through in Excel, which helps to understand the math behind MLR

Multiple Linear Regression
Deep Understanding

Agronomic App

  • Client: SummitAgro
  • Problem: Web App for Clients

I developed an Agronomic Web App for a Multinational Fertilizer Company. The App serves as Digital Agriculture service to their clients. It includes weather data, GIS and agronomic algorithms.

R-Shiny App
Data Science

Media & Packages

Here you can find a selection of my speeches, media presence and packages.

Embrapa: Webinar about Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

Michael was a keynote speaker in the 2020 Embrapa Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture Webinar.

R-Shiny Conference 2022

Michael's Shows R-Shiny App he developed. App includes comprehensive Geospacial functions and a DB connection.

Low-Code Tool

Michael developed low-code extension for R-Shiny. It allows to create new Apps in a very efficient way. Here a beta version.


Luciano Loman

CEO Metos Brazil

Michael developed a fully integrated automatic PDF report sender, including API connection, Geospatial function, pdf generator and automatic E-mail sending. This tool is an important part for Metos Brazil's customer digital services.

Peter A. Meier

Founder HR Intelligence

In 2020, Michael developed a people's analytics tool, which automatically takes survey data, maps them to defined indicies and generates personalized PDF reports. This serves as an essential tool for my consulting services.


Maintenance Responsible at Metos Brazil

Michael came up with a very creative Machine Learning solution to automatically filter all our IoT sensor Data for potential sensor errors. This solutions saves us countless hours.

Marcos Botton

Head Techology Transfer, Embrapa Brazil

Michael is an exceptional professional and outstanding data scientist. He has a special talent for connecting the field reality with data and algorithms.